“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
This quote is one of my favourite quotes from Murakami. Okay, if you dont know who Murakami is "Please google him". You are missing out the greatest books ever written if you dont know about him.I cant explain it! I want to inhale the pages of his book, grind them up, and snort them right up my nose!
This review is about his novel Norwegian Woods. The saddest book Ive ever read. Seems very dark and depressing, but the light comes out at the very end and you can see the sunshine through the clouds.But it’s also a very powerful book. It doesn’t tell any grand and special story, but rather indulges in an exploration of the human mind, and the stories hidden in the ordinary pasts of the ordinary people around us. The writing is nothing special, but I somehow found it very captivating. There were times when I found it very difficult to stop.
The main protagonist takes you back to the 1960s and his youthful goings on with his peers, his adventures are steamy so comes with adult warning! The story is set in thriving Tokyo and also shifts location to a relaxed mountainous retreat.
There is a movie adapted from this book which is worth checking out