I have placed an order for two toys(paid in advance) now the seller is refusing to fulfill the claiming he does not have stocks but as of today these two toys are still featuring on his website as available. If they do not have stocks why is the website still selling the same.
Read the email transcripts between me and the website customer care:
kiran kiran@ofororange.com
To: smirkar@gmail.com
cc: Shashank
Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:45 AM
subject order: Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
Dear sir / madam,
Thanks for writing to us, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, sorry to say that the particular item is not in stock and supplier stop this item, your refund amount will transfer to your account.
Order # 100002356
HW THM Stunt Set Assortment X0161
SKU: PHWT26109
Hot Wheels 2-PK Railroad Rampage
SKU: PHWT26153
Kiran Kumar R.C.
Online Executive
no 116, 1st floor, 42nd cross, 2nd main road
8th block, Jayanagar
Shahin smirkar@gmail.com
11:48 AM(1 hour ago)
To Ofor, Kiran
I do not want refund, I want the items I placed an order for. It is your duty to source the items at the cost you promised.
I will sue your website for not delivering what you promise.
Shahin smirkar@gmail.com
12:02 PM(56 minutes ago)
To kiran,
Check this and if I do not get my order(in a good condition) I will make sure you get more flak on other social media.
Shahin Mirkar
Ofororange or O for Ollo(read Ullo)?https://facebook.com/ofororangebaby?ref=br_tf
This website claims amazing discounts on baby toys and products, you place an order then you keep writing to customer service for your order status.
No one responds, then you get an email that says:
Dear sir / madam,
Thanks for writing to us, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, sorry to say that the particular item is not in stock and supplier stop this item, your refund amount will
Transfer to your account.
Ban gaye na Ullo
From: shubham shubham@ofororange.com
To: Shahin
Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: order
Important mainly because of the words in the message.
12:12 PM(47 minutes ago)
To me
Dear Customer,
Thanks for writing us. sometimes products are not in stock with manufacture so we cannot supply despite of our all effort.
As far as your mail concern, we do not want to comment. Being as professional and responsible customer, I hope you will understand situations.
As per website term and condition, we are bound to refund to customer, if product is not delivered.
Again we are very sorry for inconvenience caused to you.
Best Regards,
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Shahin smirkar@gmail.com
12:24 PM(36 minutes ago)
To shubham
Dear Shubham,
If you do not have stocks why are the products still featuring on your website?
Either you are trying to fool me or fool other customers who will now place orders.
So if you are still selling these you do not have a cause to refund my amount but you are now legally bound to deliver the product to me.
Shahin smirkar@gmail.com
12:30 PM(30 minutes ago)
to shubham
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So if you have stocks why are you not fulfilling the order?