This is a fraudulent website where anyone can come on post their advertisements and also buy used stuff.The reason why I'm telling that this is a fraudulent website because they support fraudulent people who cause trouble to other users by posting fake advertisements and acting as fake buyers. Incase if anyone wants to buy any product from this website let me tell you'll that there are many fraudulent people on this website who post advertisements about products that they don't even have in real life and they want their victim( the buyer) to contact them in order so that they can steal his/her money.There are many advertisements on this website. That are put up in order to attract any buyer who has come to buy any used material from this website, the prices of the product would look so attractive that any buyer would not be able to stop himself from contacting the person who had posted this advertisement.Later when the fraudulent seller is contacted by any customer on this website, the fraudulent Seller will ask the customer to provide the delivery rates and advance so that he can send him the product, if the customer agrees to this, the fraudulent Seller will collect the money and never contact the customer again, in this way the customer's money is stolen.Similarly when any genuine buyer wants to sell his used material on this website, he would recieve a call from a fraudulent buyer who would first call and ask for basic details of the product and try to bargain so that he looks like a genuine buyer, later this fraudulent buyer will ask for the seller's online payment details and will promis him to transfer half of the amount online and other half by cash when he'll collect the product but actually when the Seller will agree to this online payment method by Paytm or Google pay, this fraudulent buyer will immediately withdraw all the money present in his account by hacking his account and will not transfer any money. They do this hacking with the help of links and barcodes.A similar case happened with me and my cousin, we were selling this Sofa in partnership and we got a call from this illiterate person who showed interest in our Sofa, he told us that he is Rakesh Yadav and he would transfer half the amount for the sofa by Paytm and half by Cash when he sends his man to collect the sofa, after 5 days of talki g with him, we told him to pay the half amount by cash only and rest later but kept insisting to take the amount only by Paytm and he was speaking in a misbehaving manner.Later when we found out he is a fraud, he abused us a lot but my cousin worked in police, hence the fraudulent buyer got scared and started apologizing and he also threatened us saying that he is very influential and will screw our lives but later he only kept pleading us to forgive him.This was fraud buyers number + 917428813374.