Know therefore, that from the greater silence shall I return........
Forget not that I shall come back to you....
A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind,
and another woman shall bear me,
The first chapter of only love starts with these words by Khalil Gibran.In fact every chapter starts with a quotation of a great poet or thinker, reaffirming their beleif in rebirth beyond any doubt. And who are these people?
ONLY LOVE is a real story about SOULMATES being united. we all have a soulmate.... may be more than one. A soulmate is someone who is special to us.He or she may come from different generations..may travel across oceans , and continents to reach be with you again. They may look different, but your heart knows them.
Your heart has held them in arms like yours in the moon filled deserts of Egypt and the ancient plains of Mangoilia .
There may be times in your life when you see a stranger and all of a sudden you feel that you know this person so well, but still has no clue as to where you have met him.your soulmate? In this book Dr weiss narrates the unusual story of Pedro and Elizabeth who shared many a life , in different countries during different ages.. soulmates coming together again..
Why do soulmates come together again and again?The question is similar to asking what is the purpose of your coming here again and again?The soul has to evolve.That is the ultimate purpose.
The soulmates are valuable companions, guides.supports to you in this process of evolution.The process goes on..Nothing is static.You learn from each of your shared experiences.Everything gets recorded and documented in that mastercomputer.
Dr.Weiss tell us about a seemingly unimportant instance of a beggar coming to your car window. you look at his face feel compassion., and offer him some money.The beggar thanks you and walks away. Could you identify him?He may be your friend from your past birth who denied you help when you needed it most .
There is no concept of rewards and punishments here. ONLY lessons are learnt .
So what is the lesson that Dr. weiss finally convey you?
Listen to your heart , while making important decisions., like the choice of a life partner. Listen to your intutiive wisdom! Do not listen to the advice of others. Because others have their own agenda.Only your heart knows what is best for you.
Somebody asked Dr Weiss whether Saibaba is a God.His answer : all of us are Gods.We only needs to express our DIVINITY and our love by good deeds.
One need not go on pilgrimages because the real journey lies within .
You are responsible for your own learning.Gurus may help in the beginning, But you should not rely upon a guru for long as the ultimate responsibility lies within you.
Only love is real is an unusual book which analyses human relationships and love from the pont of view of reincarnation , rebirth and the theory of karma .
I will recommend it to any body who has ever loved or anybody who is in the earlier stages of his or her inner journey . (Those who are far advanced do not need any books!)