Oppo neo 7 is the mobile which sound is not audible
Ringtone is not sutible.
I am also using this mobile but lam faching some problem such as sound, ram, memory, and chamera Mobile have 1GB ram and 16GB external but in modern age 1GB ram is insufficient also chamera is not perfect
The front 5 and back chamera is 8but it not sufficient
Many of college student and girls have choose selfie chamera mobile and opps neo 7 is copy of another phone such as MI and it is slow to use and slow loading phone It design rectangular shape and most people chose cylindrical shape and mobile body is not attractive also
It features isnot good also I am using this phone last 5month and phone creat a problem such as hank slow loading etc and less durability and reliability and last money for this phone is less than 6500 .