Yesterday I watched the movie oru kuprasidha payyan.i watched the movie alone in theatre.i was bored at home that is why I decided to go and watch a movie.
The story of the movie oru kuprasidha payyan is a murder and its investigation.In the film tovino is an orphan who suffers lonliness with some character issues.
Tovino performed excellently as usual in the movie.the man who did police character also done a great job.others was done worst perfomance of their.
The movie is directod by director madhupal.this is the third film of him.the film oru kuprasidha payyan have unique way in story telling from his previous two movies.madhupal done a great job by directing this movie.
The movie has a good message also that justce should not denyed for the innocent people.
The music of the film is done by ousapachan.the songs of the film not sound good for me.
The action scenes oc the film not good.the choreography of action is bad.
The cinematography of the film is only average.there are also some few editing mistake.
The movie pocess a good story.
Oru kuprasidha payyan can watch who want good story in the film.