Well since Summers in Bombay are pretty much HOT and harsh, they ruin the texture of the skin and leave an unavoidable tan as well as several skin complications. But why blame the weather for our skin when we dont bother to take care of it the rest of the year and suddenly start jumping when SUMMER arrives.
Whoeverrr claims that doiing an instant therapy would clear the skin of all its germs and make it soft like never before. IS LYING. Skin care cannot take place over night, its a consistent process which needs to be continued for a period of time and only then can the skin improve.
I being modern as a person, yet dont believe in going to the so called Face Spas or face gyms or using expensive laser treatments for making my skin flawless. I believe naturally good skin can be maintained with good knowlegde of certain products that are feasable. The best soloution to any skin care problem is ALOE VERA.
Its a Cactus plant that needs to be more than 2 years old in order to work. The older the plant. the better the use. Aloe Vera has healing properties and is beneficial in almost 700 ways! And the best part is there are absolutely no side effects since its completely natural.children and adults both can use the plant However you need to be sure of the authenticity of the plant.
Aloe vera gel( fresh) scoooped out from the leaf, and applied on the face for around 10 minutes and then washed of on a regular basis will ensure glowing skin.
Even people with acne can use this. as it reduces and clears pimples. Aloe Vera SHOULD NOT BE rubbed on the facial skin because it promotes hair growth . so it should be gently applied. However those facing a Hair Loss problem or scanty hair problem. MUST RUB the aloe vera gel Or a slit open aloe Vera leaf on their scalp . and then wash their hair within 20 minutes. Doing this thrice a week will show visible results after a good amount of consistent use.
I use aloe vera on my skin regularly . so im sure it gets a glow on my face.
So no need to spend thousands on some stupid therapy which allows people to take you for a ride and cause holes in your pockets. IM NOT AGAINST therapy. im against WRONG THERAPIES for the right causes.