The name itself indicate that paid for doing work. The work is to click on the site. It is a pay to click site which pay to click on the ads. The service of this site is good and easy to work for everyone. This service is provided to earn in part time.
I am using this site from last 1month and in the beginning the cost is very low but as you earn BAPs your costing also increases.
It is very easy to work on this site. You can invest 1$ on this site and make a purchase of BAPs which increases the costing of ads. Lucky winner award in grid is available. Click and earn is the best way to make some money. Once you learn and understand its way it becomes easy.
The contents in this site are BAP, ads, click grid, buy ads, paid ads, abrogation ads, cash out, vah offers are some that are helpful. You can use it on your laptop out PCs. I dont have both of these so I work on my mobile by installing paidverts application. It is also great and more easy to work.
The site is totally secured everyone toot have to log in when you have to work. Of you forgot to logout, no problem, it automatically log you out. Hence it is user friendly.
It requires internet with an average speed to work. It takes time to load on phone. Just because of your internet slow down then it dont process further and go back on home page or log you out. So ab average speed internet, not slow, but gau is more than enough to work on it.