With my vaccations on and my Massi in town from the US, I have been eating out a bit too much. Day before yesterday, after playing Holi for hours, we decided we were in no mood for cooking dinner and so we shall dine out. Initially we planned Bukhara at Maurya Shereton, but couldnt book a table there, so we settled for Parikrama at CP. Booking a table was pretty easy, for the manager happens to be a known of my brother. We had some past experience of the place, as we had visited it about 2 yrs back.
So we reached there in time...at dot 9:30, for our reservations were for the same time...only to see a longgggggggg queue of families waiting to be taken up!!
Now leme tell u about this place...for all the non Delhiites who have started to loose there patience into reading this..it might sound interesting now. This resturant is on the 24th floor(they say that..i guess ts just the 12th or sumthing) of Antariksha Tower (another tall concreate tower like The Statesman, etc)... and why it is named Parikrama is because it REVOLVES!!!! Amen for me when I had first gone there, it was a delight to see that I was actually on a ride while dinning and the scene outside was changing. there are different boards, showing the names of the buildings u can see outside the glass windows. The floor is a disk which keeps revolving at a very slow and steady pace, while the walls and windows are in there place.
But then it isnt as perfect as it sounds. As we reached there, we had to wait for more than 40 minutes DISPITE the booking, for there was no one to talk to but the lift man, who would not let us into the lift to go and talk to any other person concerned. He wouldnt even let one of us go up and check with the reservation manager. So there we were, with many others like us, who were all waiting for God knew what!!! Each time the door of the lift opened, a hoard of people steped out and went away, having had a delightful meal. But no one was taken up. At first we wondered if they were emptying the resturant or what?
Finally we called this Manager up on his personal number and told him bout the entire scene, To our surprise he told us there was a lot of space up there but they thought there were no people... And he thought I was joking about this queue waiting down here!!! So some how we reached up... a little irritated with the entire waiting to come up episode...and we reached up!!!! The lift doesnt show the floor number, only reads 24..so I am so sure that its not the 24th floor!!!
inside the restaurant, there are dim lights, and we are guided to our table...moving ROUND on the moving platform!!! The entire resturant is in a round shape!!!
and now...THE experience.... This place felt like a RAILWAY STATION!!!! :P
trust me it did... there were loud cries of babies...and sooooo many babies. It felt as if when one started crying the other one caught his infection and went on crying...and the other one followed, and then the next one and then the next, next next. And then endlessly there were cries...!!!! WOW. Well we took it quite positively, after all they r infants and its all well...whatever they do. But to make matters worst...there were loud LAUGHTERS of people... I believed that the resturant was for civilized men and women, but there were people talking at the top of their voices, laughing out loudly, scraching spoons and forks in their plates, chewing while talking, keeping plates, bowles and glasses on the tables.....uuuufffff!!! There was not one minute that we had peace to eat and enjoy. Infact we could hardly talk across the table, for none of us likes to yell while eating and we could not hear our normal voices.
Well I can go on about it...but all I wanna say is that the place needs to cheack its interiors in a way that the tables are farther away from each other so that sounds cannot be heard so loudly from one table to the other. Also they should try to teach there waiters to serve with less noise. It feels like u r on a railway platform with people passing by u and over looking ur food every now and then. Also there is no system of one waiter serving one table. At times 3 waiters would come and stand on ur head and the other moment u will keep calling out for one and none will turn up.
At the end of it all...we ended up paying7800Rs/- for 2 coarses for 7 people. Though the money doesnt matter but then it should be worth it!!!
For all those who plan to visit it only for the fact that u want the experience of seeing Delhi from there... U can hardly see what they promise to show u...when it reads New Delhi Railway Station, you can see the Hindustan Times Building and nothing but it...and when it reads Jaama Mazjid, u keep wondering if it is not there or if ur eyes cant find it!!??!!
The only delight can be the view of the roads and the high rising buildings of Delhi...which are a proof of the development and fast life of its natives. The glittering towers really made me wonder for a second, Yes Delhi has its own beauty, its fantabulous. But then the Chatter - Chatter of the place...broke my thoughts to bring me back to the maddening experience of the place.
I think we should have better ordered food from a local resturant and had it in the peace of our home!!...hat say massii?? wasnt my idea better?