Since ages Aloe Vera has been an indispensable part of Indian skin care routine. I still remember how my dadi used to fresh Aloe Vera pulp on her face, hands, knees and feet. Aloe Vera has many benefits, if applied externally or taken internally. Here are some of the things it does –
Healing and repairing skin tissue after burns, including sunburn.Healing skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, general itching.Cosmetic uses such as moisturising and improving the elasticity of the skin. Digestive conditions such as IBS, peptic ulcers, acid reflux, , candida etc.Musculo-skeletal conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, etc.Immune-related conditions such as asthma, hay fever.Overall protection ( as an antioxidant) against free radicals. It is a pain for me to find an Aloe Vera plant and cut it and take out pulp so I use Aloe Vera gels available in the market. My tub was almost over and I wanted to buy a new one when I saw the Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel. Two things that attracted me to it were, it was in a tube and second it’s from Ramdev Baba’s initiative so I thought it must be more natural as compared to others. This is what it looks like