Patanjali honey is wonder product known since ancient times to give beautiful soft skin when applied topically. Not only this it’s also found helpful in loosing weight when taken internally.
Thus this solves dual purpose of beautiful skin & body when you take it with warm water mixed with lemon juice empty stomach in the morning.
I love most of Patanjali product so wanted to try its honey too.Useful in cough & cold, Mild laxative, antiseptic & nutritive tonic.its very important that its pure Less price compared to other brands.Good in taste.
Regarding its purity, I don’t have any complete proof or evidence but for my satisfaction, I did a simple test to check its purity. I placed few drops of honey in a glass of water & they didnt melt, did not get absorbed into water immediately rather settled in a form of separate layer on top of water thus confirming its purity to some extent at least.
This honey for 135 for 500gm price then others.packaging is okey.
I will give it 4 out of 5.