Hi friends this vinod again comes with review on Paytm wallet application. I am the user of paytm from last two years. In starting days Paytm give me huge amount of cashback and offers but from some months ago Paytm stopped this offers and cashback. Now earning of cashback on Paytm is very hard task. Even I active my 7 pe cashback UPI offer and also try to make some transection through paytm UPI but I am failed to do this due to some error. Then I try to make transection without offer, means without click on 7 pe cashback UPI offer, after this I was able to make all transactions. Paytm also started digital gold offer, in which we can earn money from purchase and sell digital gold. But Paytm charges for buy gold is quit higher then the price of sell this gold. Also gold price is high then online gold price, which also make me disappointed. No cashback offer if we pay LIC insurance through Paytm. No much offers on postpaid bills. We cannot pay JIO Postpaid bill on Paytm for J& K. I give 7 star out of 10 for Paytm.