Todays day paytm is on of the largest cashless money transfering shopping mall with lots of function,
I first signup around 2017 January and I purchased many more but when Paytm mall launched I was very exited because paytm declared his first purchaseing offer this offer held on march 2018 and there was my first download application and first shopping prospective,
After some day of launched paytm mall, I downloaded that app on playstore and installed. After that I linked up with my own paytm account.
When I first open the paytm mall app there had a lagged and buffering as well after some minutes seen the thumbnail of product tough I had been using jio 4g with full network.
My first purchasing was wrists watch what is totally committed with 100% money back guarantee, this product worth 200 rupees, delivery charge extra needed
After 7 day waited delivery boy gave the paytm box, when I had opened I was shocked because watch box totally damaged for that wrists watch glass had broke.but I change that glass in my nearly watch shoppers.
Then cash back founded in my paytm account but that money not transfered because there was a caution, ther mou was they can send money to my bank if I give extra charged 4 rupees per 100 rupees transfer. And 200 not done to payment.
Todays when I think I purchase another product there has see many of promo code in the product but they not work as well, my question to paytm is If promo code not work well so why you mentioning on every product?
So my great opinions is if you want to buy any orginal product then try to another e commerce website or app.