About one hundred years ago, a tale of a boy who never grew up was fashioned by JM Barrie. As with many classic stories today, few children actually read the book. Most know the story of Peter Pan through movies. But, long before the story of Peter Pan was disneyfied (and there is nothing wrong with that, but Disney does tend to take considerable liberties with stories) it was brought to the Broadway stage by Jerome Robbins. Two versions of this play with original music are available on video today.
The story Briefly, Peter enters the nursery of the Darling children with Tinkerbell(a fairy-portrayed by a light) to find his lost shadow.The children wake and Peter whisks them off on an adventure to his home Neverland. There they meet Peters band of lost boys, Indians(Native Americans) and Pirates. The pirates are led by Captain Hook. Wendy, the oldest of the Darling children becomes a mother to the boys. They join with the Indians to defeat the pirates. The story has all the elements-friendship, danger, humor. Captain Hook and his pirates are delightfully inept.
The Music From the opening Tender Shepard lullaby sung by Mrs. Darling, to Peters boasting I gotta crow, Captain Hooks Waltz (whos the creepiest creep in the world? Captain Hook, Captain Hook), and Peters I wont grow up to the beautiful ballad Neverland. (a place where dreams are born and life is never planned, its not on any chart, you must find it with your heart). This music will have you humming around the house.
How do you choose which version? There are two. The so called original with Mary Martin and Cyril Ritchard( a hysterical Hook) from 1955 TV is a classic. It portrays the story well without special effects or glitz. For me, it will always be my Peter Pan.
Last year, a new version was released to video starring Cathy Rigby as Peter. She does a wonderful job as Peter. This version has much more color and glitter -more appealing to todays children.
So choose one, and transport your family to Neverland for an evening. And when they ask you to clap if you believe-clap a few times extra for those of us who will always believe.