Okay its my first review on here so bear w/ me. Its friday, june 11th & it was opening day for 3 big movies, Riddick, The Stepford Wives, & Garfield. My bf insisted on Vin Diesel & I begged for Nicole Kidman. Fortunately, he decided for us. Okay, on with the movie review.
The story takes place 5 years after Pitch Black where Vin Diesel first gave a breakout performance. Riddicks (Diesel) azz is being chased by bounty hunters in a far away frozen planet. He is a very wanted man. The bounty hunters want him for money & the infamously evil race, the Necromongers want Riddick just because.
The Necromongers are a diabolical race that is part human, part gladiator, and part machine. their mission is to overtake the universe & convert everyone to their religion. these Necromongers were all once human until they were forced into conversion & exiled in a planet called Underverse.
Riddick is a Saurion (sp?). Saurions are the only ones that can defeat the Necromongers but the problem is Riddick is the last living Saurion in the universe. as Riddick is being chased by the bounty hunters, he somehow manages to get inside their spaceship & kick the bounty hunters out. He then takes the spaceship to a multi-ethnic, utopian planet where Humans, Elementals (see-thru people, kinda like spirits), and just plain do-gooders live. The peoiple of this utopian planet want Riddick to kill the minions of Necromongers. Most specifically the head Necro, captain weirdo (not his name really but I just forgot it, sorry). The wisest & most compassionate among the citizens of this utopian planet is an elemental played by Judi Dench (she ROCKS!)
She urgently implores Riddick to help her planet & its people. ooops... too late. The Necromongers are on their daily spree of planet invasions & planet paradise turns into sudden hell. Huge Giger-esque Necro spaceships are dropping bombs of Necro gladiators w/ freakish strength. Not only can they breathe & smell human blood, but they can punch a h0le through your body like it was a knock on the door.
As the paradise planet is being bulldozed by these miscreants, Riddick decides to take down a a dozen or 2 of them. In the meantime, there is a council held in paradise city & the Necromongers basically tell the people of this lovely planet to either convert or die. As everyone was kneeling down, ready for conversion, Riddick is the only who doesnt. The head gladiator takes notice & he challenges him to a fight. Bad move. Not only is Riddick FYNE, but he kicks this guys azz & the dude just plops down dead.
Nobody can make Riddick do anything unless... an incredibly drop-dead GORGEOUS female Necromonger (played by Thandie Newton) seduces Riddick to the lair of the Underverse. Here is where we see the Quarter-Deads, the new Necro converts in an assembly line w/ wires stuck through their necks & their limp bodies suspended in mid air.
Thandie Newton somehow gets Riddick into this area of the Underverse where a machine examines just who Riddick really is. This machine can read memories, dreams, fears, you name it. The machine establishes Riddicks Saurion origins & so now the Necros are on alert to kill him. More action scenes insue as we see Riddick kick some Necro azz. But guess what? the bounty hunters crash the party & kidnap Riddick for a huge sum of money. He is taken to a planet that is even more ugly & desolate than the previous one. No wonder coz this place is a prison planet. In this planet is Riddicks friend Kyra. Kyra is the little girl from Pitch Black all grown up now. Riddick is here to save her.
He foils an escape & heads for Underverse to kill Captain Psycho. More fight scenes. Really good ones too where ur just staring at Vin Diesels perfectly muscular, sweaty body. Basically, Diesel takes over every scene he is in w/ that voice, that presence, and that beautiful racially ambiguous face. Ill stop right here coz I dont wanna give spoilers on this one. I was surprised by the ending & I liked it a lot.
These Necros are badazz mothaphukaz & can literally take ur soul away from your body & leave you dead. Will Riddick make it? find out soon wherever this AWESOME movie is playing. Its rated PG & even though Im not a huge fan of big budget macho action movies, this one was even girl friendly. I mean it was such a joy to see not only Vin Diesel but Thandie Newtons STUNNING wardrobe! OMG, who designed her gowns??? she looked like a supermodel from a far away EVIL planet!
Anyways, please go see this movie. Its better than Van Helsing, Troy, and even Gladiator. I LOVE this movie & Vin Diesel is HOTTT!!!