The name prabash is very popular and famous in south flim industry. Every one know he is handsome and his acting is dynamic. Now the people are waiting for his new movie . Maybe daily one lakes than more people search new movie of prabash. His last flim is bahubali and his new movie bahubali2 is comming soon in market his many fans are waiting his new movie. His hight is 7.2 feet tall. He is the tallest hero of flim industry. Now a day his fans are increase day by day. He is doing his acting deeply. Thus every one have their good and bad his everything is good but in fight their use more effect. When he touch some thing even car it is broken.and touch anybody he will fly in the sky. Everything is good there is not find any bad in his persanality but the the fight is over effect. But his mass popularity, personalitiy and profamance is best and good.