Please avoid going to this place for any type of parties as recently in the month of July during a very rainy day all these kids who had just passed out of Podar School after completing their 10th grade had organized a Freshers 2019 party and during that party the club owners of this place were serving the most dangerous and the most strongest Alchohol to children below the age of 18 or rather 17 and were just 16 years old.I don't know why the government does not take any action over such places? , all these young male - kids were drunk and were going and trying to touch all these girls who weren't even an adult.Those girls were minor. I remember seeing a girl who was drunk and creating a havok over there and she was being touched by all strangers men and she was touching all stranger men inappropriately.Most of these drunk girls were being molested and they were puking every where and their parents had to pull them and take them away.I request all the parents not to send their children for all these Fresher's party if they are not aware about what actually goes on in there. This is the sad reality and all of us have to take a stand against all such acts where all these children of our country are being molested in such ways and all these parties where under-age alchohol is served are one of them.Such places are not safe for women or young teenage girls and parents shall not send them there.