I would rate it a negative2 as far as the ambience and parking is concerned.Multiplex aka screens as what they call it sucks.Movie experience is terrible.I lost my cell phone.Car parking is worstly managed.The absence of customer support centre is a shame.The location is worse with bad air everywhere.Downmarket people roam all over who come just to have a look at the mall, multiplex or wtvr.But still, hyderbad has no other multiplex what to do?....close your eyes, hold your mouth, take a driver instead and enjoy being with ur friends, wtvr the place may be.Now rats are climbing from my boots while watching the cinema.....is that what they call true cenema experience?......damn sure it is....but on a least notice and downmarket image.
MARRY BROWN, OHRIS FOOD COURT, SUB-WAY, PIZZA HUT are all tiny ugly extensions and the food served here is best to throw away in the bin.Cheese used is centuries old, serving is embarrasing.At cookie man, another cookie or bisuit outlet no one understands and speaks english.The elevator is tiny and you can go up but never can u come down....the downstairs are so tiny that one average adult can move at a time.Saturdays turn out to be exhibition days for prasads.You will die of perspiration.I located rats at the cinema hall.The staff is disgusting they speak downmarket english.The screens are too small, the sound clarity is fair though.The carpets at the cinema are not maintained and they give out foul smell all the time.Many ppl who come here are didgusting and embarrassing.
Parking is another area which annoys me...unfortunately I drove a camry into the parking and at the time when there are 3 cars waiting to be driven in-to.I had to spend 20 minutes to park my car.Whenever theres a rainfall, the parking area becomes a water dumping area.They take the parking fee, which is illegal.......ppl celebrate birthdays here....embarrasing again.The staff is so embarassing that when you ask them could you be having two tickets adjacent to the row where youve placed us....there answer was i dont watch movies..........english is necessary right?.....overall this movie sucks and also when everytime they present the old mans picture on the screen reminding his sons venture of a downtrodden place.....it just sucks even further.....but unfortunately ive got no other option but to settle for it.
soon il be making GVK one my destination......at least for the quality conscious.