It is extremely tacky but is worth a gander or buy ONLY for the songs
The songs are the reason to rent/buy this movie. the story is far predictable but yet
amusing for its stupidity and aftab.
Keerti Reddy: Whiney, and is like a small little bitch that always barks
Arjun Rampal: Good Acting, but needs a better hair style
Sunil Shetty: watch the song he sings inomfg died of laughter! Okay acting but jesus!! Those big lip made me ROTFL MY A$$ OFF!
Aftab:omg watch him dance, plese watch it for his dancing truely hilarious!! especially his song ;)
the rest have no roles, the ending is stupid but funny forits sheer stupidity
The scenery is nice, the clothes are okay, and I will kill that indian club!!!!
AND they is many plot holes, watch out for the kiss between A/K!
this movie is a 4/10 if you take out the songs but with the songs youve got a
Overall: VERY SIMPLE AND AVERAGE!!! Good Songs!!!!!!!