At the outset this is the first time I visit this site , I understand this sit is all about review / comment , if I am correct my view is:
(note : after reading 14 reviews) and visiting questnet site)
Basically we can analyse how a product or service is benefit or effective or useful whereas there is no point in discussing about a bussiness operation because Questnet bussiness transact to only to dealers not to consumer (every consumer is a dealer) for example have you examined bussiness like distributreship of FMCG COMPANY , Home Aplliances , Consumer Durables , Textile and so on - The result is No , (Here you analyse the product/service not the bussiness) then there is no point in taking Questnet biz in this process. As the reveiw 14 say, a person in Questnet will say positive and a person against networking or other network company representative will say negative.
On the whole if say bussiness either of one is sure - that your efforts results to profit or loss . Dear Friends you want to earn big money start doing business with your investment capacity decide that you want to do network or any other trade, make it clear network or trade/biz unless you work you cannot make money. Dont waste your time on taking opinions or suggestions , look at facts & figures and reality . Best wishes