Many people have approached me and given presentations and talks to invest in QuestNet. For all of you, who are into it and earning lots of money, have you ever thought where that money came from?
QuestNet is totally based on a concept called Pyramid Marketing. The profiters from this type of Pyramid marketing is the top and the middle people. The money moves from the base of the pyramid upwards to the top and middle. As long as the people keep joining the base of the pyramid, the more profit gained by level upwards. But remember, when the situation gets saturated and there are no more people to join, its total disaster. All the people at the base of the pyramid will lose their money and.... take my word..... its going to be a huge number at the bottom who will suffer.... and they would be none other than... your friends and relatives.
QuestNet has exploited the economy of different countries like srilanka.. and now is in india. You may be earning lakhs at this moment... but you should know that its totally unethical and immoral to loot your own people.
You should remember some points....
1. You are investing 30, 000 bucks initially and getting gold coins in return. Do you know whats the value of that gold coins? Go to your nearest jewellers and find out... its peanuts....
2. FIFA doesnt have any relationship with QuestNet (check the link at the bottom to verify this).
3. The coins doesnt have any appreciating value. You may have been told that the coins were sold for millions on ebay. Go to that ebay link and verify..... no one was ready to buy them.
4. QuestNet people were lockedup by chennai police after receiving complaints from the people.
Refer to the following blog for more analysis and truth about QuestNet...