I used quikr since 2016 but I can not sell anything to there.
Lets start my great feedback about quikr.
I download this application when I seen quikr ads on TV then I installed that application from playstore. But after download I faced lots of issue. Firstly when I opend th e app it provided lagging and buffering had most. After sometime I linked quikr with fb then I post my 2nd mobile what is newly price was 7000 rupees and I decided to sell it on 3000 rupees only but there was not anyone to buy that. Some sms I got very abuse which was most bad experience in quikr.
After that I post my laptop ads but no body ask me about that. Then I sold it to my friend.
After some day one quickr executive calling me and told me that If I want to post my ads to everybody then I need to payed but directly returned him.
My great opinion : if you want to sell something avoid quickr and OLX because this company was created for money making not customer making. Be genuine be happy