I have read many reviews on this subject, but I have to say that fatrat2001has inspired me to write my own review on this subject. Thanks fatrat2001, and I love reading your reviews. Keep them coming.
When I start to read a review I keep in mind that this is notmy review, and that I may or may not agree with this author on the subject. I then carefully read the entire review and make my decision based upon what I felt the author was trying to say. I also keep in mind that we do have the freedom of speech and this means we can express our own views on a subject. Here is how I will rate your review once I read it.
How to get a HR rate from me:
First off if you are on my trust list then more then likely you will receive a HR rate from me. If I felt you deserved to be on my trust list, then I feel that all your reviews must have some great quality and style for me to of added you to my trust list. But if I don’t have you on my list and I read your review you have to show me that you studied up on the subject you wrote about, you have to show me that you can spell at least some words correct in English. (I’m not picky on spelling since I myself am not a great speller.) You had to have kept my attention through out the whole review. As long as I see you used more then 100 words in your review then I feel you deserve the HR rate from me. I also will give a “HR” rate even if I don’t agree with what you said, but I will most definitely leave you a comment. I don’t believe in rating a review less then its worth just cause I don’t like the product, or I might disagree with the subject.
How to get a Rrate from me:
I don’t give out to many of these rates, but if I gave your review a “R” rate then I must of felt you could have done just a little bit better in giving out more information. I don’t think an “R” rate is bad from anyone, in fact if I get an “R” rate it doesn’t bother me. I know that not everyone will agree with what I said in my review. An “R” rate will also be given if I find tons upon tons of misspelled words. I don’t mean just one or two words spelled wrong, but I am talking about say 15 or more. To me this show’s that you didn’t care as much about what you were trying to say and that you didn’t take the time to check over your spelling before you submitted.
How to get a SW, NRrate from me:
I don’t know if I have ever given this rate to anyone yet, but if I have then this is why I would have rated your review this way. I believe a review that doesn’t give more then 50 words isn’t worth even giving an “R” rate too. I feel you didn’t care about your readers and you didn’t take the time to check spelling or add information that would be helpful to the readers. If you get this rate from me this also means that you used some sort of profanity that I didn’t care to read, or you wrote about something that you must of never really used or been too cause you wasn’t able to give me anything good to read. I feel if you get this rate from me that you must of deserved it, because I don’t give this rate. I will NEVER give this rate to anyone just because I don’t agree with him or her. I have seen this happen to me once on here I got a NR just because someone didn’t like the bands that I did. Well I’m sorry I can’t please everyone on who I like, but don’t give anyone this rate just cause you didn’t like who they picked as their favorite bands.
So there you have the way I rate my reviews that I read. I do have to say that you should NEVER rate a review if you feel you can’t give this person the proper rate they deserve. If I ever come across a review that I really didn’t agree with sometimes I wont even rate that review because I couldn’t rate it fairly, and I didn’t want to bring down this person’s rate just cause I didn’t like it. So if you can’t rate it fairly then just pass it on.