Mouthshut Review Ratings
The is the best site on the net for writing reviews. Millions of members used to write reviews on mouthshut on almost all products available in the market. The reviews gives almost a clear picture on each products and makes us to understand more about the product, helping peoples to know about the product in all means. But I have written this review just to let the members know how to rate a review on mouthshut according to the actual ratings that the review holds. Let me tell you about that...
How to rate - VU ( Very Useful )
This top rating on mouthshut to rate a review as very useful depends on the following factors.
1.The review should have valuable points and factors.
2.The review should not be a kewl one/short one.
3.The review product should be an interesting & valuable one.
4.The review should have a proper headline and even a proper pros & cons mentioned.
5.The review should describes the positive and negative parts of the product.
6.The review should be touching and impressive in all means.
7.The review should mention only the true statements & without knowing a clear picture about the product never ever go for writing a review on such a product.
8.The review should deserves nice comments after all & the review user should be ready to give genuine replies to the comments received for the review.
9.The review should not have damn bad words/abusive languages.
- Never ever write the review in bad mood or with bad intensions. If so the review will definitely go worst & that can be known while we go through each lines of the review.
How to rate - U (Useful )
The useful rating can be given according to these factors.
1.The review should at least have somewhat valuable points and factors.
2.The review should at least be average or above one.
3.The review product should at least be somewhat interesting and valuable one.
- The review product should at least have a headline with an average pros & cons mentioned.
5.The review should at least have a detailed description about the product.
6.The review should be at least a meaningful one.
- The review should at least mention some useful statements regarding the product.
8.The review should at least make the reader feels somewhat useful in mentioned statements.
9.The review should be at least having nice words which are impressive for the reader.
- The person who goes through the review should not feel that the review will be making him/her get bored with unwanted statements.
How to rate - SU ( Somewhat Useful )
The somewhat useful rating can be given according to these factors..
- The review should mention about the product in average detail.
2.The review reader should feel that something is there at least valuable to the mentioned review.
- The review should not be regarding a product that it not much useful in life. For example: Reviews on movies, music etc are not much useful to anyone…as you know that those things never ever can be taken as a good product.
4.The product on which the review is mentioned should after all be acceptable in life.
Finally .. NU ( Not Useful )
No need to mention this after all because if the other all ratings are mentioned means you will definitely know what’s this not useful ratings rates. But even though I will tell you a few words regarding this rating. If the review is too short, too kewl below 100 words etc without having any valuable points or even not in detailed too...Just kewl craps...writing just for gaining MS, or just to make out a review with earliest & without taking much time or pressure...such reviews will go for this rating in all means..
Ratings! - IN MY OWN WORDS.
These are my policies how I rate reviews on mouthshut & finally just a reminder too for members- " Never Ever Rate Reviews according to the Member dignity on mouthshut...always rates according to the ratings that the review deserves" without having a look at the review published user...& never ever keep attention to the user profile and rate the review...whether he/she is a star writer or a good writer of mouthshut it doesn’t matters us, just give ratings according to the rating that the review deserves.