I am member of mouthshut.com past ten months .
I joined this site so that I can share my views with others via my reviews .
I also like reading others review here.
Its like knowing Real experience of Real people .
Because when we are reading a product review on any online store, many a times I feel they are fake, not real .
But here we can read real reviews by real people.
When Write, share and Win contest started we got to read many more reviews from many new members.
Its a good platform to know about Brands, products, Online stores, Local Stores and Services .
I have not shopped from many online stores but from few of them .
After reading reviews on various online stores here I got to know many things like which store is good, which is not .
Its very beneficial for customers and buyers to know the reality of each store so that they can do wise shopping.
We learn so many new things and share our experience with others .
When ever I like a review I Rate it, and also write comment on it.