I bought 3 products from reliance digital on the same day. 1. LG 420 Litre Refrigerator 2. LG Washing Machine(Automatic/Front loading) 3. LG Microwave oven(Invertor technology with baking).
Washing machine worked only in 30 minute cycle. Microwave oven started making sounds like a tractory. The service is extremely poor. I wanted them to replace them but the store saidTHE TECHNICIAN WILL DECIDE IF THE ITEMS CAN BE REPAIRED. They can exchange only if they can not be repaired. Why in the world do I need something that started of with repairs.
On another dreadfully hot summer day, I ended up in another Reliance Digital store and bought anAir Cooler. It started making big sounds on the third day. This time, it was a display item(I was desparate due to the heat and had to buy it). The Reliance service started pointing fingers atSymphony service center. This went on for a while. And today, I am used to the sound.