It is a very worst company as compares others company I have experience.
Dont know what they doing about coverage problem since very long years ago.
I m suffer bad network and bad coverage problem since very long time.
It is a not good company for coverage and good use.
This company has bad network so I had every time face many problems for massage, calls, internet, etc problem.
So my suggestion is if you want to good coverage and network then dont choos this company.
When we are going in like village area or traveling some places network automatically disappear.
So it is a very worst company I ever experienced.
Dont choose this company when you are going for important place or going for your important work it makes you put in trouble.
So o o o o o o o. Please if you dont make your self in trouble while going anywhere ir any emargency situation.
This company coverage has bad network that is why it will never help you infect it will make you or put you in trouble.
So open your eyes guys and be aware which company makes you feel safe in trouble situationand make you feel sure to emergency calls and internet services.
So always choose that company which is always give you good connections, coverage, network, clearity, their terms and conditions which make you feel reasonable to take wise and true dicision.
Make sure that company make you give realible services and which is have to trust worthy company for all customers.
That thing always remember in your mind guys for your self.
So be a good chooser for your self.
This company has a very long ago years network problems but they never solve this problem still.
That makes us untruste keep on them that they will never solve their network, coverage, connection essuis.
So how we put our trust on this company.
They give you many many big and prise worthy plan but how they work?
If they dont give good network, coverage and connection.
If these all are problems are disappeared.
I mean if these all are problems they solve on thier own level.
May be than customer wiil trust on this company other wise I dont like this company for good and important or emergency uses.
So my advice to you all guys for make correct dicision for choosing a any company which give you good benifits and good coverage and good network and good plans I means all types of plans including tarrif plans, sms plans, internet plans, calling plans, isd plans, std plans, local plans.
So be a genuine and genius for making a dicision.
These all are required for choosing a good company for better use of your time and money.
So I think you all are now have idea to what to do.
To choose any good company for important and good instant emergency network facilities.