Intro : To select a sales career with reliance life insurance, its better you can commit suicide. Its the worst work culture in the entire country.
For better understanding on the work culture, please understand the sales hierarchy in reliance life insurance.
Sales hierarchy from top designation to the lowest:
Ceo - country head for sales called as business head - zonal managers - regional managers - branch managers called as tm, stm, etm - sales executives called as sm, bdm etc - independent advisor.
Working hours at reliance life insurance employees:
Country head will wake up the zonal managers at 4 am and get the days commitment on no of policies, premium to be collected, advisor recruitment etc for the day. He would start the day with ugliest foul and filthy language. Shame less zonal managers would wake up the regional managers by 5 am and will start a concal for 1 hour. Would use the most filthiest language and get the days commitment. Shameless regional managers would wake up the branch managers by 6 am with the same attitude display of their bosses. Branch manager would wake up the sales managers by 7 am and use the same language.
Throughout the day, there will be continued phone calls and concals as interim review of the day, and there would be no compromise on filthy and foul languages at all hierarchies.
At night 10 pm final con-cal on the days achievement would be reviewed in the same cascading effect and will last till 12 midnight.
Next day morning at 4am the day starts and the same story continues.
If anyone thinks i am kidding, I am extremely sorry to tell you that whatever i have said is absolute truth. For you to believe & trust me further, I even promise on my dearest one.
Also, the above said practice can be guaranteed for 360 days in a year. Hardly you may have 4 days in a year without con-calls from the sales heads.
Work culture at reliance life insurance:
Apart from using the filthy language daily, the entire sales hierarchy pressurises the front line sales force namely the sales managers, bdm etc and the independent advisors to sell policies with all mis representations to the customers. Branch managers, regional managers, zonal managers and country head force the helpless and innocent sales managers & advisors to collect policies with limitless false commitments & mis selling. They compel the sales managers & advisors to part their benefits like salary, commission, incentives to the customer and collect a policy. Every week there would be 1 day called as "big day", on which day, all the front line sales team would be tortured to the core, to sell the policies.
For all these tortures starting from the country head cascades to the the sales manager, advisor and sales manager take the entire blame of mis-selling. Customers complain to the branch manager, cce, regional manager etc on mis-selling, not knowing that these were the people who compelled all these mis-selling.
Sometimes the branch managers are also helpless on these situations. Regional managers & zonal managers had to face the country head and so would take a ride on these sales managers. Country head and ceo had to prove their forecasts correct to the ceo of reliance capital. He inturn had to show his projections correct to anil ambani. For these few people to get benefited, the sales managers, advisors and innocent customers pay off.
So now you would have understood that the driving factor of reliance life insurance sales is the ugliest filthy foul languages used on daily basis. Its so filthy that any genuine/sensitive person would even attempt a suicide.
Friends, i am once again promising on my dearest one to tell you that whatever i have said is 100% true. I have not exaggerated. I have summarized the most ugliest work culture of reliance life insurances sales wing in a nut shell.
And now the question is why do these people do such a job in such a bad work culture?
And the answer is because of the huge salaries they are paid.
Following are the salary range of these hierarchies:
Ceo & country head salary - not known.
Zonal manager salary - 36 lacs to 48 lacs per annum.
Regional manager salaries - 16 lacs to 28 lacs per annum
Branch managers: etm - 10 lacs to 14 lacs p.a, stm - 8 to 12 lacs p.a, tm - 5 to 8 lacs p.a
Sales managers, bdm etc - 1.6 lac to 6lac p.a
Independent advisor - huge commissions.
For sales managers & advisors additional monthly contests for achievements like car, gold coin, foreign trips etc... Sm and advisors commit these contest benefits to the customer to win a policy. But later they either resign or abscond from the customers view because they would not receive the benefits from the company citing various reasons by the management.
Poor customers also are not aware that its their money which is taken as charges and incentivised to the sales team. Promises of the sales manager as pass on benefit to the customer, which is often not honoured is customers own money only.
Neither the sales manage nor the true owner of the money "customer" get the money. All these get into the big salary packages for the branch managers and their above hierarchies.
I think you would have understood by this time that insurance selling in reliance life, is nothing but a cheating business in fear of the most filthy languages used by the hierarchies of sales.
Ultimately front line sales helplessly will cheat the customer safe guard their job and to shield from the ugly foul language of their bosses.
Its better sit at home jobless for some months rather than losing the entire career working for reliance life insurance..also the sin of cheating the customer will not add up in to the karma of deeds maintained by the almighty.