I inherited a tube of this color stay lipstick from my daughter. She did not like the color and gave it to me.
Color Stay does Stay on your Lips, It does wear off eventually but depending on the color it is still there by lunch time.
One of the things that I do not like about the lipstick is that although it stays on your lips , it also gets all over your coffee cups and drinking glasses and has to be removed with a sos pad.
These are expensive lipsticks in my opinion but they last for a long time. I have had my tube for a year now and there is still a lot of it left.
The best time to buy these are when they are on sale. Otherwise you are going to pay a high price for them. At least they are high in my opinion.
However, when you look at how long they last they are really inexpensive. So I have contridicted myself.
I would have to say, if you want a lipstick that really is going to stay on your lips then buy this.