This film is simply amazing; you will feel for rocky so much in this movie, losing his wife, his son does not want to know him. There is one scene in the film where rocky is crying to Paulie saying he needs to let the beast out and he never knew things would be so hard with out Adrian. I will not spoil much but that scene was too amazing and anyone that says Sly Stallone is not a good actor better watch all the rocky movies he also did well in “Rambo first blood”. He is a very good actor people especially better then “Arnie” I don’t know why people compare him to him “Arnie” can not act where as in Sly can act and Sly has a better body along side that he has been nominated for Oscars and his film “Rocky Won 3 major occurs including best film”.
Back to rocky, the film is really funny, very sad, makes you smile and yes like the old rocky movies gives you the Goosebumps, also the fight is like old rocky movies and that is edge of your seat stuff. The Training is a little short but does amazingly well, people cheered when the music came on. In my cinema no one can cheer or make noise it’s a silent cinema but people did it for this I mean come on its rocky for god sakes. The music came on and people cheered.
But my god when he started punching the meat people went crazy and I thought that was bad yeah. Watch until the end when he climbs the stairs and people got up and cheered I before did not know the power of a rocky movie now I do. When in a movie would you see people chanting his name even in the cinema when match has started? Where will you see people shouting go get him “rocko”. With each punch rocky landed in the fight people cheered. When the fight was over most people did stand up and clap and this is no joke, if you do not like rocky which is very very unlikely go watch rocky for the atmosphere is unbelievable.
The movies are powerful because it makes you believe if you have a string heart and you believe in yourself you can do anything rocky is still rated of the most inspirational films of all time and I can see why now. Rocky will always live on for anybody he is a true legend, sure terminators will come, robo cops will come, and spider man will come. But they will come and all been forgotten as larger then life characters. Rocky is someone everyone can love, its hard to hate him and when he is upset we get upset we all want him to win! Rocky makes you believe again.
Im so sorry if you have not seen these movies but it is so your loss if you haven’t you will simply be touched in a way that is so amazing. I never knew the power of these movies until I saw part 6 (this one) and went home and watched all the other rockys that my brother had laying around in one week and its that great people the story’s blew me away, do not miss these movies they will effect you in some way or the other he is truly a legend