When I am making this statment federer has already lost the semifinal match
against the nadal.
So I am no making statement emotionally as I am not swiss but with facts and figure
and what you see in player.
We all know from some reviews about his outstanding statistical record in all slams
and finals.
But what seprates him from rest of the players are following things.
He probably got highest range of shots seen till date in any single player.
He is probably smoothest mover on all types of court.
He probably has got the best temperment in the game.
He probably might have made least number of unforced errors in all grad slam
matchs till date.
The one quality which even was lacking in former greats like john and jimmy is He is
most well behaved player on court.
Even though french open eluded him by one of the best teenage deutant on clay
nadal he has it in him to win some of them in future.
I will rate him best ever player even better than sampras because he is not robotic
like pete and more talented then pete.
Stats will take him past pete in next 5 years anyways.