I want to surely share a few products with Mouthshut friends, which I am really proud to own.One of it is, my old model Samsung Tv, CZ 21M16ML is worth every Rs.I purchased the tv 10 years ago.But even now I still want to keep it as its working is perfect.There has been no single repair till now.Also the brightness, speakers, colour, contrast everything seems to be perfect.My friends ask me why I am still keeping this grandpa tv.I tell them that you see for yourself, how its working, its not LED or HD, but its very trustworthy and had been with me for many years.Until the picture tube life is over, I will keep it.I am satisfied with the tv , that, I will never sell it for a cheap second hand price, though I have new Sony Bravia HD tv, I still watch my good old Samsung 21 inches tv.