I thought of buying a handset which is available at a low cost. But when I bought this handset, I was quite disappointed. Though it was at a low cost, I got to suffer from it Cause of lacking features. A few things irritated me are:
It had smaller screen when compared to other mobile at this price. So I was incompetent to see anything goodly.
It wasnt supporting memory card, which made me to stay away from songs and videos etc.
It limited me to save only 200 contacts. So I had to write other contacts in a diary.
It didnt have FM radio, Cause of that I was incompetent to listen to radio.
It didnt have a camera, Cause of which I was unable to take a pic.
Whenever I got to transfer files, I didnt have a chance to enact it Cause that didnt have a bluetooth.
It wasnt supporting dual SIM Cause of which, I used to use only one SIM. If I didnt get signals for that SIM, everyone used to be incompetent to contact me.
It didnt have a browser. So I was unable to use internet.
So I wouldnt love to recommend this handset. Because you can get a better handset than this handset at this price.