It is emotional movie, it made me cry .It is story of two persons Saru, full name Saraswati, is an obedient daddy’s girl. Inder is a broody, massively-tattooed loner.
A heavy-handed father who thunders, flinging out instructions on how wife and daughters ought to behave, Which leaves Saru to smile, simper, weep. Hesitate. Propitiate. And to look at her stony-faced father(Chowdhary, trying very hard to be a credible South Indian patriarch and failing) who’d rather conduct a wake than understand his daughter’s desires, and wait for his ‘permission’ before she can take a step forward.Such girl falls in love with incur
.The love between two people in this movie is super.he does anything that make his girl happy .In this movie even he knew that his love doesnt live for more days he marries her and last while they are getting married she dies, dis is most saddest scene dat makes all sorrow.