I was using SBi credit card for quite sometime and my average monthly bill comes around 5000-6000 for this card.
I would like to bring to notice of yours that SBI credit cards team/system is indulging in unfair trade practices. From last two months I have been charged late fees and interest on outstanding amount instead I have droped the cheques before the last due date.
When I spoked to their customer care executive she told me this will be reversed and you can pay by reducing the said amount from your bill. I simply did that and droped the checked in an SBI ATM which was marked Credit card cheque collection 7 days in advance. To my horror I recieved a call from ther side that I havent made the payment. Later when I enquired at the branch...they gave me a sorry excuse that the said box was a suggestion box which was wrongly labeled and that is now corrected.
By this time, I was frustrated enough by people in both their departments who are not ready to take responsibility of their fault and decided to get this card canceled.
Last staurday and sunday I recieved threatening calls from a person who claimed that he is from legal cell of SBI and if I do not pay the amount of Rs.304 only by end of july then I will be the only person responsible for any consequences.
Noteworthy thing here was as per my calculation I had to pay SBI a sum of Rs.12253.70 and as per their statement its showing 13591. I simply refused to talk with that person over phone and asked him to meet me personnaly or give me his office address so that I can personally meet him and let understand my points in a language he can undertand.
Also, they were more interested in their executive collecting the cheque from my place rather then I dropping the cheque in a drop box. Luckily, I was aware of their collection charges that one of my friends has beared.
To sum it all I would not suggest any buddy to use SBI credit card as you can not rely on their system, people and management style.
Pankaj Agarwal