Hello guys today I will be reviewing sesa hair oil for you all.
price - it retails for rs 95 for 90 ml of product
ingredients- what I like about this product is that the ingredients are clearly mentioned on the container that are triphla, a mixture of amla, shikhai, reeta along with brahmi, coconut oil, lemon oil and jatamansi. all of these are excellent for treating dandruff .
usage-I love to heat the amount of oil I wish to use, on a double boiler on a stove and massage it into my hair . I usually keep it overnight or for an hour or so and then wash it off with a shampoo.
results - well this oil just gave a moisture to my hair and thats it it did not control my dandruff or my Hai fall whatsoever.
fragrance - this oil has a very pungent odour if you can bear with it this oil will be great for you.
final verdict - price is reasonable and the ingredients in the oil are all natural hence I would give it a thumbs up do try this product.