Never use sharekhan if you want to do live trading. Their system does not supports that. If you place an order at lets say 12:36 at a share price of Rs.21.55 and it keeps on hovering for around 7-8 minutes at the same price, chances are there that the share will not be bought.
Since the system does not support live trading and also their systems are too slow. Systems are too slow means that orders are queued up from various traders and once your turn comes up then they will execute it.
Now if the system cannot process the queue even after 7-8 minutes then the IT Infrastructure on which their systems are running is too slow. So whenever you are trying to do intraday trading avoid the system becuase it might land you up in a big loss instead of big profits. This is true even in case of limit trading as well. So Beware of ShareKhan, the tiger might eat up your share.