I had bought a few products so far on this shopping website. They make you vexing whenever you buy a product here. Now, I would like to tell the problems I had been through. Some of the things which made me not to purchase a product here are:
Customer service wasnt available. They neither furnished phone number nor emails to contact them. If I got a problem, no one used to be there to help me out.
Cash on delivery wasnt available. If I didnt have money at the spot, I used to face a few problems.
Whenever I used to go for the costly products, I had to go for EMI option. But they didnt furnish that option even for the products which do cost sky-high.
Pictures shown for the product were utterly from the reality. Sometimes, I used to get shocked after receiving the product.
No one can bear that shipping charges. Unless you for a costly product, dont buy from here. You can take such things from offline.
So I will never love to suggest this to anyone who is seeking out a good shopping website.