Hiee Principal... Yesterday whatever you did with me That was totally wrong U dont have feelings Man.. I think ur well educated from your Degree.. But from your character Wise ur Big Zero.000.. U dont have humanity.....& Second Your staff They think that they have own us how they was treating me....like Im begger N who the hell is he haan???? He raised the hand on me & abused bad language on mom n sister yrr.. What the hell is this.. Is this the way ur treating yourstudent yr...Principal Sir.. Ill share u something with you.... I was late for 2 months..Your office staff abused bad language to Me...& Second things they are highly corrupted Staff.... 1)Yesterday I was one hours late For some Family Issues....Supposed Sir. Sorry to say this incident happened with your wife so what will you do Haa.......... 2) If we copied in boards exam so its a crime... But your teacher Rsharing me Answer Sheet To copy I have some proof ........3) Teacher Dont have manner they r sharing time table with naked pics .. Think while sharing time table. Their r girls also in this group....Ill genuinely say please..Sir take strictly action against them.. I know the name..Raju, J.Kumar, Tukaram..N some of the office staff please take strictly action against them..
Ill Say This Clg is Good n beautiful ... This Clg has invented ..Shri Babasheab Ambedkar ????....he was one man Army Be like him yrr Dont be corrupted and dont show your character who are you..Requesting u staff please dont spoil hes n college name please its an request ???????? Your faithful Student