We purchased a x-ray machine 3 years back. It stopped working suddenly and called company service personals. A person, so called service engineer visited after 3 weeks, without looking at the machine insisted us for AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract). We told them, kindly attend the fault, restore the machine back into service and will decide opting AMC at later stage.
When I asked about the problem, he said supply voltage(195V) is the problem and we failed to install voltage stabilizer. I told him that during installation no one mentioned about such requirement and if it mandatory you would had supplied along with the machine and charged us(we are not going to deny). However, nowadays 1) voltage fluctuations are not as before 2) Equipment are fitted with in-built regulators.
This machine started giving problem within 3 years of service, that too at an average exposure of 10 x-rays per day. Earlier we had a Siemens machine and it served for 15+ years without any problem. because of technology obsolescence we switched to this machine.
Now that technical support had listed out ALL modules(including x-ray tube) with prices, telling us that I will be charged only for the faulty modules! That means, Scanray is unable to determine the exact fault and adoptingscrew driver technology in fixing the fault! They dont have product knowledge andservice engineer are not better than a roadside electrician.
I am very much disappointed with the quality of the machine, service availability, poor customer service and worst of all technical capability to do any repairs.
I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY PRODUCTS TO ANY ONE INCLUDING MY ENEMIES. Doctors / Hospitals: To avoid please dont buy from Scanray equipment.