After an extensive research on K750i, I bought it finally three weeks back. I bought it from Vashi, Mumbai for INR 10, 950. Didnt find its original headset very comfortable, hence exchanged with W700is for extra 150 rupees. The guy told me W700is headset costs 750 and K750is 550. The new combination works perfect. The music coming to ears is even better now. I dont want to tell you its features and all as you can easily find them anywhere on web. I start with myths and realities about this mobile phone I came across while researching about it.
Poor battery backup: Its better than even Nokia 6610i. Can run for 4 days with normal use (My normal daily use is 30 mins talking, 1 hour radio and 2-3 pics). It has at least 3.5-4 hrs of talktime.
Very low volume from ear-piece: Again, better than Nokia 6610i. I have no complaints, I can well hear it in loud environment as well and trust me, my ears are far from perfect.
Bad radio reception quality: Wonderful experience with radio. Has features like RDS too but of no use, your service provider dont provide any data apart from song!
Average quality music: Man, if its average quality music then what is excellent quality music? I am not able to decide which is the best feature of this cell, music or camera?
Good quality camera: Say it fantastic quality. I could hardly believe how good its pictures were (Picture 1). Awesome is the right word! Let me tell you onething, if you are not getting good pics from it, consider it your fault. Two problems I noticed with camera were: 1. Its not good in bad light (Picture 2). 2. Its not good while object is in motion (Picture 3). Apart from these two, its amazing. I am great fan of its pics.
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Picture 3:
MP3s have louder sound when used as ringtones while sound is not very loud when listening to Media Player. However music from mono speaker is very good. Doesnt sound cheap at all.
You can not change Radio channels with handsfree. You will have to use cell-phone keys for this. Nokia 6610i could do it and I miss this feature a lot.
Keypad is not as smooth as Nokia. You will have to get used to it. Dont scare, its not pathetic but yes a bit hard. Not a major concern.
Joystick: People are complaining about it. Even the sales guy told me that the 10 people out of 100 screw it but Sony will rectify it or will replace the cell. I am using it for three weeks now and am pretty sure that it will go bad. I had a fair idea of it even before buying it but I couldnt stop myself from buying it. Even if goes bad, I know it can be replaced for some 300 rupees. 300 rupees is very subtle amount against its temptation. :-)
You can not listen to music and charge simultaneously. There is just one port for all the things i.e. file transfer, headset and charging.
Some other good features:
1. Charging through USB cable. Now I keep charger at home and USB cable in the office. However I hardly use them, no emergency till date. Battery is just perfect.
Easy navigation.
Music button, camera button. Shortcuts are very much handy.
Enough-sized and crystal clear screen resolution.
last but not least: Looks, size and weight. Boy its smaller than 6610i!
Conclusion: I am pretty happy with my decision. I am loving this cell phone. Its simply a masterpiece.
Update: 5 October, 2006
Bad News: While listening to Radio, sometimes a very light, soft sound comes into right ear. Like tin-tin-tin... like someone is playing a triangle at very low voice. It doesnt come always but when it comes and runs for a bit longer, it becomes irritating if you are listening to radio with enthusiasm.
Good News: I am starting to become fan of the camera. We went to trekking last Sunday, three cameras were there, one 5.1 MP Sony, 3.2 MP Canon and mine 2.0 MP SE Cybershot. When we saw pics in PC, there is virtually no difference in all these pics (apart from resoultion, of course). My cameras pics are as good as a full-time digi-cam! Have a look at following link (Pics from my camera):
Update: 14 October, 2006
Good News - Battery: When returned to home after office last night, battery status was 27%. I was about to put it on charging, my phone rang (10PM). Started talking, when I cut the phone it was 1AM and battery status was 5%. Then typed an SMS (am pathetic at it, takes minimum 2 mins to write 15 words), listened to my favourite Elton John number, Sacrifice and again checked the status, 4%. Cool, put it on charging and went to bed, smiling. Battery is just cool, man! In 22%, I could talk for 3 hours on a stretch. Full battery should not drain before completing 8 hours or even more, I guess. :-)
Bad News - Screen: Finger impressions, dust are clearly visible on screen, I have to clean it at least 4-5 times a day by rubbing it by hanky or simply on pants/shirt/curtain. I wonder if I keep on cleaning it in the same fashion, there will be a heck lot of scratches on screen in notime!
Update: 25 January, 2007
Its running cool, a bit slower though, maybe due to 1GB card. I banged earphones (HPM-70)! Though they are working but with a lot of adjustments. Cant find courage to buy new one (Rs.1350)!!! Got 1GB SanDisk Duo Pro memory card for 2050 rupees. All 1GB Sony cards available for 1-2k are duplicates. Original 1GB card is priced Rs.3, 400!
I will keep you guys updated with any good or bad news. Stay tuned. :-)