The PS2s hardware is great console wise, but lacks when compared to the other 2 consoles of this generation of consoles ( GameCube, Xbox) . It has 4 MB of Video RAM, which may seem like not much but it really is. The PS2 can play CD-ROM and DVD format games. It has a 128 bit CPU and 32 MB of memory. The PS2 looks cool. Its black and has the PS2 logo on the top of it.
There is one concern through manys eyes though and that is the Disc Read Error problem. Disc Read Errors or DRE, are when the PS2s laser isnt reading the games right and will not play one certain type of game. It usually happens to CD-Rom format games on most peoples consoles. Usually, it is because of vast amounts of dust and not taking care of the PS2 although it sometimes is just random. This really only occurred in launch PS2s and ones near launch. The newest series of the console has claimed to fix the problem and so far, there seem to be less and less reports of Disc Read Errors. If you do happen to get one though, you can always ship your PS2 to Sony and they will fix it for a small fee.
Overall, the PS2 has great hardware.
The controller is great. It is the same DualShock from the PSX but is now called the DualShock2. I guess that was necessary since it is PlayStation2 after all. The controller set up has a great design. I, and many others, find it to be a great controller for games of all genres. The controller is overall very good and very well made and will last you a long time. The PS2 only comes with 2 controller ports so thats all you will need.
The PS2 has great features that come with it! The number 1 feature is the ability for it to play PlayStation 1 games. This has to be the best feature since it gives you access to 1000s of PSX games and you still have the hundreds of PS2 game already released! Another feature is the ability to play DVDs and CDs ( burned CDs too) . The PS2 doesnt come with 4 controller ports, but only 2. Although you can get a multi-tap, which will let you have 4 players.
There is also a Network Adapter available which will let you play games online. Some of the more popular online games are SOCOM US Navy SEALs ( broadband only) , Frequency, Twisted Metal: Black Online ( comes free with the Network Adapter) , and Madden 2003. These are just some of the many great features that PS2 has to offer. The features are great!
There is also a hard drive for PS2, but it is only released in Japan as I am writing this review. The hard drive is required to play some games online like Everquest Online and Final Fantasy XI.
Overall, there are lots of great features on the PS2.
The PS2s launch price was $300 but eventually lowered to $200, which is the price as I am writing this review. How can you argue with $200? Hell, I couldnt argue with $350, which is how much I paid for mine at the launch of the system. I mean, there are some people who even paid close to $500 for one! The price is great!