I briefly heard of Moby, and saw him in a Sci-Fi Channel Ad a few months ago. When I heard a sample of his music of the net, I instantly bonded with it. Porcelain (So This Is Goodbye) is the perfect tune for a cruise in the car, a romantic dinner, or a stress release. This song has diversity and character.
South Side is plain and simple, yet complex. A very cool tune. I highly recommend the Play LP.
Lyrics from South Side (sound on Play)
see myself in the pouring home
see the light come over now
see myself in the pouring rain
i watch hope come over me
here we are now, going to the east side
i pick up my friends and we start to ride
ride all night, we ride all day
some may come and some may stay
here we are in the pouring home
i watch the light man fall the comb
i watch a light move across the screen
i watch the light come over me
here we are now going to the west side
weapons in hand as we go for a ride
some may come and some may stay
watching out for a sunny day where theres
love and darkness and my sidearm
hey, elan
here we are now going to the north side
i look at my friends as they start to ride
ride at night we ride all day
looking out for a sunny day
here we are now going to the south side
i pick up my friends and we hope we wont die
ride at night, ride through heaven and hell
come back and feel so well.
Mobys style changes tastefully throughout each track. If you like Yanni, Enya, Clannad, and Enigma, you will have no problem adjusting to Moby. This puzzle piece fits perfect. The 1999 Play release is a must have.
Lyrics from Porcelain (found on Play)
In my dreams Im dying all the time
As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to lie
So this is goodbye
This is goodbye
Tell the truth you never wanted me
Tell me
In my dreams Im jealous all the time
As I wake Im going out of my mind
Going out of my mind