Spencer the very word makes a great impression, just like a well dressed lovely girl who attracts all ages, just like that spencer any where in india or world over makes impression. Impressions for what.
When your mood is wonderful, the walk on MG road, and there you find this spencer shop ofcourse there is a great manner to carry be you are with your mother, father, son, daughter, wife or girl friend spencer makes you to Behave yourself. Spencer and Behave yourself.
You may buy or not buy but spencer has maintained a brand name that makes us to be polite and we are all polite because there they sell goods that interest you but feel price is really high. Why this review on spencers
From childhood to this day what may have years have passed the name spencers has stood the test of time, but the main problem for me is I cannot recommend this place to buy why.
The impression that has caused great form of brand in spencers the crux of the matter is spencers is always a costly place to buy. Rich wont mind but middle class find tough.
The only reason the spencers have stood the test of time is because of aura feel of its name that has come from British time and not at all in tone with the present world of business places and mall.
My advice to spencers is they if want to make their name gainfull and crowd to rush just change the attitude of pricing all the time higher than others.
spencers must change their attitude of making bill high, let them be customer friendly.