I was having 2 kids in this school(10th Std and 3rd Std). This school is totally managed in violation of all norms of govt. and just source to get hard earned money of parents by hooks and crooks:-
Just some points to note
School was not having CBSE recg. thus don`t get exam centre for 10th Std. but school claimed at the time of admission that, School is having Centre. Exam Centre is allocated 25 KM far from Bavdhan.
All Staff changed frequently even every 3-6 months, in year 2021- no faculty was there to teach subject just before 10th semester
Not having any PTA since last 3 years. So no way to communicate and raise any concern. Even if 2-3 parents go together to meet principal etc. they refused to meet.
Having various internal fees and charges for books, rank guru etc. so illegal way to extort the money form parents
Credential can be checked with the facts that maximum parent withdraws their children in a year or two after studying because of corruptive manner of running this school.
There is no security in the school. Having various incidents, where small children has been went to high way road without control.
total collapse of the management. School is run only for earning the money by any manner.
Should be avoided.