To start with, I am a hesitant user in social medium. But I thought of sharing my exp with this insurance provider. I was having a good policy for my parents with another competitor. Then comes calls from Star and believe me multiple calls, messages etc. So that forced me to hear them out. After few conversations, I decided to switch from my existing to this one. Premium was paid immediately and I did not renew it with my existing service provider. Then comes the beauty after 20 days of processing and medical history review etc, policy was rejected. All this period, there was no attempt from them to speak to me and convey the reason and a facilitated discussion etc. Now I have neither my old policy nor new. This could be common across these useless insensible service providers. Few suggestions
Ask for a copy of all the rules regulations etc that are going to be told to you
Dont pay just to meet someones target
If you are porting from an existing one. My suggestion dont do..