IS this the true culture today in India? I mean every movie or indian channel you turn to there is some type of hottie shows on. Females are wearing lesser and lesser clothes and the moves!! OH! its disgusting. Media specially television is the most influencial thing effecting globlization. I have been in States for 10 years now and back then, it was much much different then now. I go to college and it is a disgrass when Indias modernization is being laughed at by others. Nonetheless, how can we forget the minors, obseen scenes are been played as a way to propogand their movies during breaks between the serials. I understand that it is a marketing tool to get more people attracted to their movie but there has to be some limit to the obscenety. I cant believe the culture has changed so much. I think that these types of movies should be banned by the goverment. Isnt there some type of sensor that is conducted by the government to ensure that kids are not exposed to adultory material? If yes, then why is it shown on the regular day-to-day TV channels?