Ended now that has the saga has, complete I have become.
The third and final serving of Star Wars titled The Revenge of the Sith more or less stood up to my high expectations. For all of you who have been living in a cave for the last twenty odd years, episode III is all about the rise of the Sith, the downfall of the republic, and the end to most of the Jedi sans Obi Wan and Yoda. It also is the transition of the young susceptible Anakin Skywalker into the fearsome Darth Vader.
This episode has all the trimmings to make it a hit: amazing special effects and yes, fantastically choreographed light saber duels; the rest sadly is no where up to the standards set in episodes IV thru VI.
There was a good balance between the complex storyline and the breathtaking action sequences, although felt that Lucas was guilty of going overboard with the use of technology - sometimes almost making you feel you were in a video game world much like Matrix Revolutions. One of the biggest gaps I found was the lack of explanation of how the high tech world of episode III becomes the barren lackluster world of episode IV decades later.
The acting has come a long way since The Attack of the Clones and the actors seemed to fit into their roles much better. The young Hayden Christensen is very convincing as Anakin Skywalker. Ewan McGregor adds a funny side to Obi Wan’s character, while Samuel L Jackson makes Mace Windu half Shaft, and half Jedi.
All said and done, this movie is a must for Star Wars fanatics (who I’m sure would have seen the movie by now). Novices be warned, there is no recap of the story so far so its best to do some reading / watching the other five parts before you watch on episode III.