For a number of years I bought the myth of the expensive shampoo. I always purchased my hair care products at the salon. They usually worked very effectively. Then came marriage and a family and a budget. My shampoo selections were then made at the drugstore or supermarket based on what was on sale. Sometimes I liked the effect, sometimes not. One day, my husband appeared home with Suave. He had used the last of the shampoo that morning and was being helpful. Terrific, cheap shampoo! I was already planning to get something better the next day and let him use the cheap stuff.
What a surprise, the cheap stuff worked very well. My hair, at the time had a curly perm. After using the Suave, it was soft and easily styled. So, we became Suave converts.
Weve used several varieties including their kids shampoo which works great on my sons thick hair with cowlicks.
My hair is also thick, now blunt cut and colored. Ive been using the Suave Herbal Care Aloe Vera. My hair is soft and shiny. The Suave lathers very well in spite of our hard water. It even gives my husbands thinning grey hair the illusion of a bit of body.
As with any shampoo, I do find that a specific blend seems less effective over time. So, I switch shampoo types within the brand every couple of months.