Sulekha has Cheted Telling we will gets leads and after payed that Lady from sulekha not attending call and we are not getting leads also. Her number is : 720478xxxx. I have paid 5900 from my side and she told for one lead 85 rupees will go and you will get more than 2 leads per day after registering no business from my Area and we only got 2 to 3 leads such not Includes in Business. Waste of money and sulekha giving salary to these type of ladies in their Company to cheat people. Better to Beg i Think. Please anyone dont pay to them for getting Business its better Justdail and Google.i have Uploaded Lady that has Cheaten Me.she was very Responsive to Take Money from Us but after payed she is giving phone to other guys if we call and not attending from my Number. I dont know this lady is doing business like this.